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Mentorship Guide

  • 27 Steps


It’s no secret that mentorship can have a significant positive impact on your career path — from higher salaries and quicker advancement to increasing satisfaction at work. But the benefits of a mentor/mentee relationship are dependent on the effort that both parties put in. After all, mentorship isn’t magic. It requires forethought and a dedication to growing. A big part of doing the work is coming prepared to your meetings. When someone is offering their time and advice to help you grow, show them that you appreciate it by arriving prepared. But what does showing up prepared mean? Unlike your project management meeting or your team meeting, mentorship meetings can be a bit more ambiguous and not as intuitive. You need to decide what your end goal is and what you want to learn from the relationship. What are good questions to ask a mentor? Every mentor/mentee relationship is different so don’t take a cookie-cutter approach. Prepare questions that feel right for you and that you think will help build a successful mentoring relationship. But, to help get you started, we’ve put together a list of ideas and conversation topics.

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